Monday 16 September 2013

Current Affairs

Conflict in Syria
Over the past couple of weeks there have been problems in Syria. The Syrian government have been accused of using chemical weapons against their own people. The weapons that have been used have killed thousands, many of them children.

While Syria's possession of chemical weapons has never been in any doubt, there is no reliable information on how the weapons have been obtained and developed. Barak Obama made a decision that if Syria hand over their chemical weapons to the US to be destroyed, then all will be forgotten (kind of) Syria’s neighbours Russia have agreed to this action and have also said that they will be on Syria’s side. However if they don’t hand the chemicals over then they will use the armed forces against them! Some people have predicted that if we do use the armed forces against Syria then there will be a World War III. Other people think that there will be no actions against Syria.

 So what do you think about the Syrian Conflict. Should we attack with the Armed Forces, should we leave Syria alone, do you think that if we attacked Syria there will be a World War III?
Comment below!

You can find out more information about Syria by clicking here.

Written by JH

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